In my first post, I mentioned that I've been using Firefox for good amount of time and will never go back to IE. No, I didn't go back to IE. But, I've been thinking about this so-called browser war. Honestly, I don't think Firefox is really a great threat to IE. Now, any windows computer is going to come with IE by default. So, IE is ready to use out-of-the-box. But, to use Firefox, one has to install it and add few extensions to really see great features that boasts it. The reason why I said Firefox is not a real great threat to IE is that it's not widely well known.
If one has to use Firefox, they have to get to know about it either by some news source or by word of mouth. Now, how many people bother to read news about Firefox online? Even if some people read about it, not even 50% of them will be willing to try it out. Now, the word-of-mouth campaign is very strong as it is from a person "known" and trusted.
Yes, I know this is just a beginning. Even if few hundred people try Firefox a day, eventually Firefox will have significant market share. But, hold on. This is will true if and only if, and mark my words, Google is not coming up with Gbrowser. There are many people who are as much loyal to Google as Firefox. I'm sure all the users of Firefox are Google fans. Even the developers at Firefox have integrated Google features into the browser. So, now if Google is really coming up with Gbrowser, then the real looser will be Firefox. It would be very difficult to say if the Firefox users are going to stick with their browsers are going to switch to Google's.
But, yes, one thing I can definitely say is that the real browser war will begin with Google's entry. IE's market share will dramatically be reduced then. Until then, let's say Firefox has long way to go and be qualified as a real contender.