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Raghu's NetLog

This is my personal weblog. There is no particular topic that I'm going to stick with. You can find articles about music, movies, technology, cricket, may be even little bit about politics. Please post your comments - good or bad. This will only encourage me in either way and improve my weblog.

Saturday, November 27, 2004

Google releases integrated product for all it's softwares

Google Software Downloads
Google has put up Software Downloads page where you can download and install five of it's different softwares available - Google Toolbar, Google Desktop Search, Picasa Photo Organizer, Google Deskbar and Gmail Notifier(BETA) . Even better, it has included single suite including all these five softwares where you can do search from any application. That's pretty cool. Surprisingly, Hello is left out as of now. Hopefully, it will join the family.

Source: InsideGoogle

Monday, November 22, 2004

Get juice to your iPod from Sun

Next time when you go to Death Valley or Grand Canyon, don't worry about looking for a power outlet to charge the iPod. The Sun is enough to provide the necessary juice. Solio from Disruptive Technology is a great accessory for iPod for those who can't rely on power outlets. It can provide enough juice to play the iPod for upto 9 hours. Solio can be charged through a power outlet or directly from sunlight. Well, the power outlet will be European, so I have to rely on sunlight or buy an adapter to use here in US. But, this is a great accessory. It gives enough juice to play iPod for up to 9 hours. But, I couldn't figure out how this thing will be connected to iPod yet. Can't find any pics.

Source: Gizmodo

iPod : Apple :: Treo : PalmOne

Store trots out Treo (CNET)

Seems like PalmOne wants to concentrate on Treo line to generate more revenues. Apple did the same thing, concentrated on iPod and even publisized the new iMac as - from the makers of iPod. Seems like PalmOne guys took a clue from Apple and started concentrating on Treo line.