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Raghu's NetLog

This is my personal weblog. There is no particular topic that I'm going to stick with. You can find articles about music, movies, technology, cricket, may be even little bit about politics. Please post your comments - good or bad. This will only encourage me in either way and improve my weblog.

Saturday, November 27, 2004

Google releases integrated product for all it's softwares

Google Software Downloads
Google has put up Software Downloads page where you can download and install five of it's different softwares available - Google Toolbar, Google Desktop Search, Picasa Photo Organizer, Google Deskbar and Gmail Notifier(BETA) . Even better, it has included single suite including all these five softwares where you can do search from any application. That's pretty cool. Surprisingly, Hello is left out as of now. Hopefully, it will join the family.

Source: InsideGoogle