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Raghu's NetLog

This is my personal weblog. There is no particular topic that I'm going to stick with. You can find articles about music, movies, technology, cricket, may be even little bit about politics. Please post your comments - good or bad. This will only encourage me in either way and improve my weblog.

Monday, November 15, 2004

Yahoo! Mail storage is now 250 MB

Yahoo takes on spam, boosts e-mail storage (CNET)

Though not as much as Google, Yahoo! is now offering 250 MB for it's mail storage up from 100 MB for it's free accounts. I think that's enough for most of the people out there. Apparently, Yahoo! didn't want to be behind Hotmail in storage area. Hotmail is offering 250 MB (I have no clue if anybody got this, but not me... I'm still using only 2 MB for my spam).