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Raghu's NetLog

This is my personal weblog. There is no particular topic that I'm going to stick with. You can find articles about music, movies, technology, cricket, may be even little bit about politics. Please post your comments - good or bad. This will only encourage me in either way and improve my weblog.

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Google becomes Scholar

Google today release beta version of Scholar Search.

Google says, "We recognize the debt we owe to all those in academia whose work has made Google itself a reality and we hope to make Google Scholar as useful to this community as possible. We believe everyone should have a chance to stand on the shoulders of giants."
Even without scholar search, I use Google search alot for any publication. So, I think the seach results will be more refined now. When you do a scholar search, the results list the authors name, publication and the year of publication. So, I think this is the major difference on how the search result is rendered.