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Raghu's NetLog

This is my personal weblog. There is no particular topic that I'm going to stick with. You can find articles about music, movies, technology, cricket, may be even little bit about politics. Please post your comments - good or bad. This will only encourage me in either way and improve my weblog.

Saturday, December 11, 2004

Cellphones Onboard

The New York Times > Technology > Cellphones Aloft: The Inevitable Is Closer (New York Times - Subscription Required)

How great it would be to kill time onboard with your cellphone. But, it's not going to be roses for everybody as the report mentioned.

"For some people, the idea of being able to pick up their phone is going to be liberating; for some it's going to drive them crazy," said Addison Schonland, a travel industry consultant at the Innovation Analysis Group in La Jolla, Calif. "Can you imagine 200 people having a conversation at once? There's going to be a big market for noise-canceling headphones."
That's right, I think if this thing is implemented, the market for noise-canceling headphones will be huge. I will definitely go for one. Not Bose though, they are overpriced.

Friday, December 10, 2004

Google Suggesting your query

Google Suggest (Google Blog)

I think this is a neat idea by Kevin. All you have to do is start typing your search in the query box and Google suggests the queries for you in return. What makes it amazing is that along with the query suggestion, number of results are also displayed along with it in runtime. That's Google for you.

Old Wine, New Bottle = SprinTel

Sprint-Nextel Deal Talk Sparks Concern (Y! News)

Sprint buying Nextel - that's big news. This will leave only 4 major players along with Verizon Wireless, Just coupled Cingular+AT&T and T-Mobile. If this deal happens, T-Mobile will be a distant fourth player. The future doesn't seem to be good for them, especially after they put off 3G Wireless implementation for 2 years.

Thursday, December 09, 2004

Samsung will be on top of the world at the end of 2008

BBC NEWS | Business | Samsung to build tallest building
Samsung, after a 11-month long bidding process, started working on World's tallest building, Burj Tower, in UAE. It's a 800-metre high and 160-floor skyscraper. That is about 291 meters longer than the current tallest tower, Taiwan's 509-metre TFC 101 building.

Source: Gizmodo

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

iPod in 2004

The iPod Year in Review 2004 (iPodlounge)

Jeremy Horwitz at iPodlounge.com has written an excellent article on iPod's trend in 2004. I gotta agree with him about iPod photo. I really don't see how photos fit into lifestyle of most of the people out there. May be Apple has big plans for future, but for now iPod photo don't see any following like other models. And yeah, iPod mini's price should see a decline by atleast $50 to better the sales that it has right now. I thought Apple would do this for the holiday season, but I think they don't see any reason to do that right now as the demand is still strong. But, I think if they can reduce that price, whatever percent of people buying those iPod clones, will definitely go fo mini.

Now, Firefox gets support from Copernic

Copernic Desktop Search for Mozilla Firefox (Search Engine News Journal)

Firefox is widening its affiliates. Now, Copernic joins the group as well. Personally, I prefer Copernic Desktop Search to Google's. It's so much better. Now, the Copernic guys "listened" to one complaint that I had, supporting Firefox.

VoIP among top searches

Om Malik on Broadband: VoIP is the shizzle

Om Malik at Broadband reports about a news article that VoIP is the top internet related search on web. I say internet related because other top searches above VoIP are Harry Potter, Pokeman, Oprah and iPod - they are entertainment based, not exactly internet related. I do firmly believe that next year is going to be big for VoIP.