Yahoo! Search goes personal
Yahoo! Search blog: Personal Search: My Yahoo! Search Beta
See, this is what I was talking about earlier. I love Google, but it's getting behind with everybody coming with some sort of "makeup" to the search. Yes, Google does come up with the results that I'm looking for, but it would be better if it also come up with some sort of makeover. The searching experience didn't change much since they started. But, I guess it's high time they do comeup with "personal search". I know, I can use A9 to make my Google search personal. But, the "searching experience" is not going to be the same. Being a Googler myself, I don't want my favorite search engine to be behind everybody.
I did try Y! personal search myself for a while, and I must say it's awesome. The searching experience is great. Now, I can take my searches anywhere. I need this kind of experience while I'm Googling. Am I asking for too much?
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