InsideGoogle: Digital Life: How Google Desktop Works, And How It Will Work (InsideGoogle)
Nathan Weinberg at InsideGoogle had a chat with Marrissa Mayer, Google's director of consumer web products regarding GDS functionality. Some of the important points are:
- Right now, GDS can read Hotmail and Yahoo Mail pages right now, but not GMail since it is heavy on Javascript. According to Marrissa, "We should be able to search Gmail in the next few weeks".
- While PageRank doesn't apply to your computer, Desktop does make use of nearly every other method of determining keyword relevance Google uses, from titles to bold text.
- Google Desktop Index maxes out at 2 GB.
- "For now Desktop is only for one user on the computer... the other person can't install it". If you use multiple usernames, only one can install and access the data while the others are plum out of luck. Obviously, they are working on fixing this as soon as possible.
Go ahead and read the complete article. Thanks to Nathan.
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