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Raghu's NetLog

This is my personal weblog. There is no particular topic that I'm going to stick with. You can find articles about music, movies, technology, cricket, may be even little bit about politics. Please post your comments - good or bad. This will only encourage me in either way and improve my weblog.

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Google Desktop Search - My Wish fulfilled, but I'm not happy

Ever since I was using Copernic Desktop Search Engine that I posted some time ago, I really started appreciating the features. It was like I could search for anything that is on my computer in seconds. Then I began to think since this is a search feature, why Google didn't think of it in the first place. I love Google, I can't imaging doing a search without Google. I wished, really wished and hoped Google to come up with this kind of software so that I can search for anything on my computer.
And today, it was like my wish was fulfilled. Google launched Google Desktop Search. As soon as I saw this in Google weblog, I immediately uninstalled Copernic and installed Google. I couldn't be much happier. But, my happiness was shortlived. I'm really really unhappy about Google version. First off, it runs inside browser. So, you have to open up the browser to start searching. The URL will be something like http://localhost:xxxx/&s=xyz&q=. They type of files it searches are TXT, HTML, DOC, XLS, and PPT formats (Office 2000+). So, no PDF files and other kind of files. Copernic is very good in this aspect. It searches for all kinds of files. Not only that, it even shows preview of these files. On top of that, Copernic supports even video files. This is missing in Google's.
Google only supports AOL Instant Messages files. Well, I wonder how many people are still using AOL. But, the biggest downer is Google only supports web pages viewed in IE. I'm off of IE. There are so many people using Firefox now, and still growing, somehow Google doesn't think the same way. But, I'm sure somebody at Firefox will definitely come up with a supporting extension.
But, actually the way Google does searching is very different the way it should be. Take for example Copernic. It doesn't search for files. It actually filters. The files are already listed, it filters the files according to your search. This way you can find the files in seconds. The Google's way will be almost like the regular windows search, in my opinion. I think I'm disappointed with Google for the first time. You really have to try Copernic Desktop Search to see what I'm talking about and appreciate it. It supports almost all file types - docs, audio and video unlike Google that doesn't support audio and video. Looks like I'm about to download Copernic again.

Source: Google Blog


At October 15, 2004 at 6:08 PM, Blogger Raghu said...

Thanks for your comments.... I just like to spend lots of time on net for technews. It's really nice to know that my blog is serving what I intended for.


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