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Raghu's NetLog

This is my personal weblog. There is no particular topic that I'm going to stick with. You can find articles about music, movies, technology, cricket, may be even little bit about politics. Please post your comments - good or bad. This will only encourage me in either way and improve my weblog.

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Yahoo! takes on Google in mobile search

Yahoo Search, Now on Your Cell Phone (Yahoo! Search blog)

Not too long ago Google announced Google search via SMS. Now, Yahoo! also went mobile, but via WAP. So, if you don't have WAP service, you are out of luck. Not that I'm a Google fan, but, search via SMS is smarter compared to search via WAP. But, there is cost involved with SMS because each text message would cost, both incoming and outgoing. Whereas, WAP is unlimited for most plans. Either way, it's good to know that search is coming out of computers and going mobile.